A natural interest in aviation provided Seth the inspiration to join the Civil Air Patrol at age fifteen. As he moved up through the ranks to become Aerospace Education officer of his squadron the doors of opportunity began to open. In the next year Seth would achieve his solo wings, his private pilots license as well as the prestigious Billy Mitchell Award, was promoted to 2nd Lieutenant and became his squadrons deputy cadet commander. Today 2nd Lt. Seth Evans serves at the Cadet Commander of the Kentucky Civil Air Patrol, Eagle Composite Squadron in Morehead, KY.

His aerospace education activities began when 2nd Lt. Evans was called upon to present at two state CAP conferences using computer flight simulators and radio control aircraft. His aerospace sessions were standing room only. This state level exposure earned Evans both the State Frank G. Brewer Aerospace Education award and the 1999 Kentucky Cadet of the year award. His recognition as a Kentucky leader gained him a position in the prestigious CAP National Blue Beret and a trip to Oshkosh, Wisconsin to work at the nationally renowned Oshkosh Air show.

As a member of the Elliott County High School STLP (Student Technology Leadership Program) 2nd Lt. Evans represented his school by conducting aerospace workshops at the Kentucky Teaching and Learning Conference in Louisville for two years. His computer flight simulator display was an instant hit as teachers from around the state learned the physics of flight first hand. In addition to his presentations 2nd Lt. Evans also recruited at the CAP booth during both conferences.

Stepping up to the state level 2nd Lt. Seth Evans was elected as recorder of the State Civil Air Patrol Cadet Advisory Council and today serves as the Cadet Advisory Councils' Vice Chairman, and the Kentucky Wing alternate representative for the Great Lakes Region Cadet Advisory Council, instrumental in the decision making process for state and regional CAP activities.

Supporting one of the Civil Air Patrols underlying beliefs, 2nd Lieutenant Evans has been instrumental in working with the CAP Drug Demand Reduction program. Participating in the Kentucky State DARE (Drug and Alcohol Reduction Education) Conference and the 2000 Civil Air Patrol National Conference in San Antonio, Texas, 2nd Lt. Evans has been actively working along side the Kentucky State Police and senior CAP members in educating the public of the dangers of drug and alcohol abuse.

Leading up to 2nd Lt. Evans first national award, he was selected for the Great Lakes Regional Frank G. Brewer Civil Air Patrol Aerospace Education Award and the Regional Aerospace Cadet of the year.

On August 17, during the 2001 National Civil Air Patrol Conference in Cincinnati, Ohio, 2nd Lieutenant Seth Evans was awarded the Frank G. Brewer Civil Air Patrol Memorial Aerospace Education National Award.

The Frank G. Brewer Civil Air Patrol Memorial Aerospace Awards are the highest CAP awards given to individuals and organizations within and outside of CAP who have made exceptional contributions to the advancement of youth in aerospace activities.

The Frank G. Brewer Civil Air Patrol Memorial Aerospace Award commemorate Frank G. Brewer Sr.'s lifelong interest in aviation, youth and education. Mr. Brewer, a businessman from Birmingham, Ala., envisioned that aviation and space exploration would have a dramatic impact on our world. Upon Mr. Brewer's death in 1969 his son, Lt. Col. Frank G. Brewer Jr., CAP, established the Brewer Awards to recognize those individuals who have contributed most to the advancement of youth in aerospace activities.

The 2001 National Civil Air Patrol awards ceremony program noted 2nd Lt. Seth Evans Achievement as follows:

Cadet 2nd Lt. Seth Evans
Kentucky Wing

At only 17, he is a licensed pilot and has earned his solo wings. He is a natural leader and easily assumes command; while at the same time easily follows suggestions from his superiors. He was instrumental in the development of an Aerospace Education Day at the local airport, for which the squadron received media coverage and an award. He attended National Blue Beret activity in August 2000. He is the squadron cadet aerospace education officer. Other achievements and contributions include the following:

Aerospace Excellence Award
Set up his personal flight simulator at two wing conferences
Keynote speaker on Aerospace Education sessions at encampment
Instrumental in setting up a demonstration area for CAP aerospace rocketry program during the local Airport Appreciation Day

Member of the Kentucky Wing Drug Demand Reduction Program
Earned the Billy Mitchell Award

Selection is based upon an outstanding aerospace achievement or contribution to the aerospace field during the calendar year preceding the selection. Nominees must have earned the Billy Mitchell Award and be a current CAP member.

The Air Force Association has also notified 2nd Lt. Seth Evans that he has been named the recipient of the Air Force Association's CAP Aerospace Education Cadet of the Year, one of the highest awards of the Air Force Association. This award will be presented at the AFA annual convention at the Marriott Wardman Park Hotel in Washington, DC, on September 17 during the Convention Keynote and Awards Ceremony.

Striving to become a pilot in the United States Air force, CAP Cadet 2nd Lt. Seth Evans continues to work diligently today to achieve his goals.

Elliott County Senior Seth Evans Earns Two National Aerospace Aviation Awards
A natural interest in aviation provided Seth the inspiration to join the Civil Air Patrol at age fifteen. As he moved up through the ranks to become Aerospace Education officer of his squadron the doors of opportunity began to open. In the next year Seth would achieve his solo wings, his private pilots license as well as the prestigious Billy Mitchell Award, was promoted to 2nd Lieutenant and became his squadrons deputy cadet commander. Today 2nd Lt. Seth Evans serves at the Cadet Commander of the Kentucky Civil Air Patrol, Eagle Composite Squadron in Morehead, KY.
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