Seth successfully passed his FAA check ride on his birthday in October and received his private pilots license. He routinely files when the weather allows. This summer was quite eventful for him. He met up with the Air National Guard in Columbus where he boarded a C141 refueling tanker to catch a ride to San Antonio, Texas. There he attended the Civil Air Patrol's National Conference. While in route he witnessed the refueling of a squadron of F16s.
In July Seth found himself in Oshkosh, Wisconsin. He represented Kentucky as a member of the prestigious Civil Air Patrol's Blue Beret. The Blue Beret participates as staff members at the Oshkosh Air Show. For one week he worked the flight line and met many of the pilots as they entered the show. Samra, Corey and I also attended the show.
Seth has received the CAP Billy Mitchell award, which provides him a promotion to First Lieutenant.
Current Status:
Member of Lexington Flying Club
Current Ratings: Commercial Multi- Engine Instrument.
Curent aircraft: Cessna 150, 152, 172, Piper Cherokee, Piper Warrior, Piper Arrow, Piper Archer, Piper Senica. Building Hours in: Raytheon Premier 1, Cessna Citation.
Senior Avaiation Administration Major at EKU